Horse Club Accessories and Playsets

This category hosts all the Horse Club accessories and playsets from Schleich.

Schleich 42592 - Rider Cafe - Horse Club

Schleich 42592 - Rider Cafe - Horse Club

Yummy! As the smell of warm apple pie wafts through the air at the rider café, tummies rumble in anticipation. "Cups and Saddles" has the best desserts! There's no better way to enjoy a fall day...


Schleich 42593 - Caravan for Secret Club Mettings

Schleich 42593 - Caravan for Secret Club Mettings

Be at the secret meeting place in an hour...this is gonna be big! A friend from the stables has a birthday coming up and the caravan is the perfect place to plan an epic surprise party. If only ...


Schleich 42617 - Horse Grooming Station - Horse Club

Schleich 42617 - Horse Grooming Station - Horse Club

Horse and rider styling is better together! The grooming station is stocked with brushes, sponges and a hairdryer. You can even add colorful clips to your horse's mane, and don't forget the matching h...


Schleich 98270 - Advent Calendar Horse Club NEW 2021

Schleich 98270 - Advent Calendar Horse Club NEW 2021

The 2020 Horse Club advent calendar from Schleich® Horse Club will make waiting for Christmas even more special for horse enthusiasts. In the Schleich® Horse Club 2020 advent calendar, the vet uses h...


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